Business Pink is co-sponsoring the upcoming

Salute! To Women –
a Women’s Networking Event

Thursday, October 27, 2011
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

The Kensington
100 Maple Avenue
White Plains, NY

This is a free event and refreshments will be served.

For women business owners, employed and unemployed women

We have room for 50 attendees – first come, first served

Sponsored by:

Under Control Organizing Business PinkThe Kensington

Business PinkWomen Helping Women

Business PinkBusiness Pink

Official invitation with RSVP information will be emailed by October 1, 2011.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night....

What a dynamic event we hardy members of business pink created when we braved the heat and then the thunderstorms to gather at MARCH boutique to network and shop!

The heat was relentless, and still women came. The skies opened and the tent was battered with hail, but Lynn Puro, owner of March Boutique and hostess extraordinaire, simply moved all the luscious food catered by neighbor Tastefully Yours inside. Quickly moving beautifully displayed merchandise to another spot, the tablecloth was laid on the large table in the center of the store and the feast was re-set in a matter of minutes.

And we partied on! Lynn’s door prizes were a beautiful pink and white summer handbag and a whopping $75 gift certificate to MARCH. Bonnie Hagen of Bright Energy Services and Susan De Robertis of Venus in Transit were the respective lucky winners.

Those of you who were unable to attend, remember, we are not a fair weather group and we network – rain or shine, heat or cold!

Already our list of future events is growing.

Our fall free networking event is already set for October! Premier organizer Marcia Sloman of UNDER CONTROL has arranged for us to partner with 2 organizations to maximize the exposure of our members to possible business contacts. Further details will follow shortly.

And plans are already in the works for another Lunch n’Learn! Let us know if any of you are around in July and we can host an event then. If not, we will SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER!


Business Pink Networking

Founding Member and Sponsor:   Website Donated By:
Collen IP Sponsors Fyne Lyne Ventures